FIDO2, Core Bluetooth, Core Data, Web Socket, Rest API, Google HSM, Firebase, Lottie Animation, Auto Layout, Local and Remote Notifications, Unit Test.
Swift, Objective-C
I implemented this app to provide a scalable and maintainable codebase, making multiple-development and unit testing as a routine. This app uses Bluetooth Low Energy and Web Socket to access data and provide a seamless and smooth password-less authentication experience for the customers.
Covid 19 Regulations
Core Location, Rest API, Local Notifications
This iOS application checks the number of COVID 19 incidents in the region of the user and classifies the infection threat level. Threat levels are divided into four colors, green, yellow, red, and dark red. Regarding the current threat level, specific and general regulations will be represented to the user. The app checks the number of incidents every 10 minutes, both in foreground and background mode by RESTFul API calls. When the app is in background mode, if the threat level changes from the last time it was in foreground mode, it informs the user about the threat level change by sending a local user notification.
The API which is used to retrieving the number of Covid 19 incidents works only in Germany but can be simulated easily using available mock classes.
GitHub Users
GitHub API, UIKit, Auto Layout
This is a sample project that uses the Github API to search for Github users using their username, show users’ info and followers and saving users to the favorite list. The app architecture is based on clean architecture and contains no third party library.