Tag: Clean Architecture

  • PLC Object Oriented Programming, HOW?

    PLC Object Oriented Programming, HOW?

    In the previous post I talked about why we should use object oriented for PLC programming instead of the solely structured programming model. In this post I will explain how to do it to achieve the best result.

  • Diffable Data Source with Clean Architecture

    Diffable Data Source with Clean Architecture

    In WWDC2019, Apple introduced Diffable Data Source as a new approach for providing data for table view and collection views. Apple’s video was explained using an interesting sample project. This article shows how to use diffable data source with clean architecture in mind. To do so, I apply clean architecture to the WiFi settings part…

  • Clean Architecture with NSFetchedResultsController

    Clean Architecture with NSFetchedResultsController

    Probably the NSFetchedResutlsController makes the tightest coupling between UI and another layers of an iOS application. NSFetchedResutlsController Class has been created by Apple to provide a seamless data flow from Core Data layer to UIKit and vice a versa. The MVC is Apple’s native architecture and NSFetchedResultsController lays in the Model layer of this architecture…